B.S. in Cybersecurity Major

Overview of B.S. in Cybersecurity

The Departments of Criminal Justice and Criminology, Computer Information Systems and Business Analytics, and Computer Sciences jointly offer the Bachelor of Science in Cybersecurity (B.S. in CYB). 刑事司法和犯罪学司负责组织和管理青少年犯罪方案.

The B.S. in Cybersecurity is a social science based B.S. major, providing students with the knowledge and practical skills of computer crime, information systems solutions, proper seizure and recovery of computer evidence. Furthermore, the CYB program focuses on understanding criminal cyber-criminal behaviors, preventing cyber crimes, 以及了解起诉和惩罚网络罪犯的网络法律. More specifically, students will learn:

  • 数字技术和工具,如网络威胁分析和信息共享, managing and securing cyberspace, preventing, detecting, and recovering from cyber crimes
  • 起诉网络犯罪和罪犯的调查技能和法律知识
  • 从理论上了解网络犯罪和欺诈等犯罪行为的指标, as well as controlling cyber crimes through prevention and punishment; and
  • 网络犯罪、罪犯及其受害者对刑事司法系统的影响.

Key Features of the B.S. in Cybersecurity

Interdisciplinary The B.S. 网络安全课程为在社会/行为科学和计算机信息系统以及计算机科学方面受过广泛培训的学生量身定制其内容和教学方法. Its curriculum combines the knowledge of combating cybercrime, skills to analyze and manage cyber threats and security, theoretical and analytical comprehension of criminal behavior. Thus, it will respond to rapidly changing cyber workforce requirements.

An Emphasis on Work Readiness Skills The B.S. in Cybersecurity program emphasizes hands-on learning experience for its students. Graduates of the program would be job-ready to enter cybersecurity careers.

A Flexible Course Delivery The B.S. in Cybersecurity program offers daytime, evening, online, and hybrid classes. 灵活的课程交付适应全日制和兼职学生谁是忙碌的工作与竞争承诺的专业人士.

Degree Requirements for B.S. in Cybersecurity

学生必须选修刑事司法系统概论(CJC 1010)和计算机概论(CIS/CSS 1010)作为专业前必修课程.   For course descriptions and pre-requisites, visit the University Catalog.

Please note:

  • CYB选修类:任何带有CJC前缀的类,它不是必需的CJC类的一部分.
  • 选修课:所有不受限制的选修课必须足以满足大学最低要求的120个学分.
  • 请查看您的学位进度报告(位于您的学生中心)以查看您的学位进度.
  • Email your Cybersecurity Academic Advisor, Maty Candelaria, [email protected] with questions.


Program Learning Outcomes

  1. 分析一个复杂的计算问题,并运用计算和其他相关学科的原理来确定解决方案.
  2. Design, implement, 并评估基于计算的解决方案,以满足程序规程上下文中给定的一组计算需求.
  3. Communicate effectively in a variety of professional contexts.
  4. 认识到专业责任,并根据法律和道德原则在计算实践中做出明智的判断.
  5. 作为团队的一员或领导者,有效地从事与项目纪律相适应的活动.
  6. 应用安全原则和实践,在存在风险和威胁的情况下维持运营.


Program Contacts:

Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology

  • 办公室:CJC部门将在行政大楼310套房有一个新家! Due to renovations, CJC will be operating remotely during the summer and part of the fall semester, tentatively until October. You may contact us during business hours via email and phone. When available, we will provide updates on our website. We appreciate your patience and understanding; thank you.
  • Website: http://hfqsxx.com/cjc
  • Cybersecurity Program Manager ([email protected])

Department of Computer Information Systems and Business Analytics

Department of Computer Sciences

M.S. in Cybersecurity Program

美国正面临着由网络攻击引发的各种风险的日益脆弱性, according to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). 此类攻击造成网络空间宝贵数字信息的丢失和破坏, may it be in transit or stored. 国土安全部进一步指出,“对关键基础设施的网络威胁日益令人担忧, 哪一个越来越容易受到复杂的网络入侵,从而带来新的风险.

Every year in the U.S., 40,000 jobs for information security analysts go unfilled, and employers are struggling to fill 200,000 other cyber-security related roles.Market analysis from cyberseek.org shows that Colorado has over 10,000 unfilled cybersecurity jobs. 培训一支有能力的网络安全专业人员队伍对皇冠官网网站国家基础设施和国家安全的安全至关重要.

网络作战涉及技术和人类行为之间复杂的相互作用. To meet the sociotechnical needs from industry, 密歇根州立大学丹佛分校采取了一种独特的方法,将刑事司法部门合并在一起 & Criminology, Computer Information Systems,  和计算机科学联合创建一个多学科的网络安全硕士学位项目.

研究生课程结合了打击网络犯罪的先进计算机/信息系统知识, analytical skills to analyze and manage cyber threats and security, the understanding of human factors in cyber operations, as well as the adaptation of laws to create policies to investigate, prosecute, and punish cybercriminals.


Colorado Senate Bill 86 directs $300,每年在密歇根州立大学丹佛分校教育未来的网络安全专业人员.

Benefits of Earning Your Degree at MSU Denver

国家网络安全教育倡议(NICE)制定了国家网络安全工作场所框架, and the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) developed the Industry Competency Model. The CYBM competencies use the above framework and model as guides.

The M.S. in Cybersecurity graduates will be able to:

  • Identify, analyze, and mitigate threats to computer and information systems.
  • Conceptualize, design, and build secure information systems.
  • 提供支持,以确保有效和高效的计算机和信息系统的性能和安全.
  • Provide leadership, management, strategy, development, and advocacy so that organizations may effectively conduct cybersecurity work.
  • 调查计算机和信息系统及网络的网络事件或犯罪.
  • Apply cyber laws and regulations in prosecuting and punishing cyber criminals.
  • 负责专门的拒绝和欺骗行动以及可能用于开发情报的网络安全信息的收集.

Career Opportunities for Our Graduates

在全国范围内,对网络安全职位的需求预计将继续增长.  由于对网络安全专业人员的需求增长速度是传统IT工作的三倍,这一需求可能会保持在高位. Many of our graduates have a background in criminal justice and computer science. In addition, 退伍军人或执法人员可能特别适合从事网络安全工作. 这些就业背景以及随之而来的安全许可对网络安全相关的工作尤其有吸引力.

Depending on work experience graduates can land positions as:

  • Chief Information Security Officer; Cybersecurity Analyst/Specialist
  • Information Security Crime Investigator/Forensics Expert
  • Computer Security Incident Responder
  • Security Analyst; Risk Manager/Analyst
  • Forensic Computer Analyst; Information Security Analyst
  • Penetration Tester; IT Security Consultant

Mission Statement and Goals

CYBM计划的使命是为学生提供计算机和网络安全政策和分析方面的深入知识和实践技能, privacy, computer forensics, and the investigation, prosecution, and punishment of cybercrime. The CYBM program:

1. Offers a multidisciplinary curriculum that combines the areas of computer science, computer information systems, cyber laws, and policies, with an understanding of cyber-crimes and criminals;

2. 使具有技术或非技术本科学习领域的学生获得网络安全研究生学位;

3. 为学生进入网络安全领域各级管理或技术职位做好准备, and

4. 培养学生的领导能力和团队合作能力.

Program Accreditation




Cybersecurity Program Manager

Criminal Justice & Criminology Department

Metropolitan State University of Denver

[email protected]